Zucchini slice Lorraine


Zucchini slice Lorraine

Australia’s favourite savoury slice meets quiche Lorraine in this versatile recipe. You can eat it with a salad for lunch or dinner, snack on it cold, or pop into a lunch box. You can even cut into small pieces and serve warm for canapes.


  • 2 tsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 150g rindless smoked bacon, coarsely chopped
  • 1 brown onion, finely chopped
  • 4 Coles Australian Free Range Eggs
  • 50g (1/3 cup) self-raising flour
  • 1/4 tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • 125ml (1/2 cup) Coles Thickened Cream
  • 2 (about 300g) zucchini, trimmed, coarsely grated
  • 100g (1 cup) coarsely grated Swiss-style cheese
  • Preheat oven to 200C/180C fan forced. Grease a 20cm square pan. Line with baking paper.
  • Heat the oil in a small frying pan over high heat. Add the bacon and cook, stirring often, for 5 minutes or until starting to turn golden. Add the onion and cook, stirring often for a further 5 minutes or until bacon is crisp and onion is soft. Set aside to cool slightly.
  • Use a fork to whisk the eggs in a large bowl until combined. Add the flour and bicarb. Stir until smooth. Whisk in the cream. Add the zucchinicheese, and bacon mixture. Season with pepper. Stir to combine. Pour the mixture into the prepared pan and bake for 25 minutes or slice is set and top is golden.
  • Slice into 12 pieces to serve.

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